Use case ideas

  • DAO identity: provide a custom TLD naming service for your DAO members with minting conditions based on factors such as governance participation. Make your DAO token the minting currency.

  • Cross-chain identity: Establish a unified identity for users across multiple blockchains. With's chain-agnostic approach, users can have a consistent identity whether they're on EVM, Solana, Polkadot, or any other supported chain.

  • Decentralized content addressing: attach human-readable names to content txids. For example, the user of ANS set their A Record to direct to a website on Arweave which resolves via a custom gateway:

  • Decentralized social: As an alternative to centralized social media platforms or piggybacking on existing (expensive, limited) naming services, creators can develop a decentralized social ID layer where users mint their handles, ensuring true ownership of their digital identity and content.

  • NFT-gated identity: create a custom TLD only mintable by holders of a particular NFT collection.

  • Username layer for a protocol: spin up an identity system for your dApp users instead of building it from scratch. Integrate minting into your dApp UI.

  • Branded corporate domains: Companies can create a custom TLD specific to their brand, ensuring that all subdomains or identities under it are officially associated with the company. This can enhance brand trust and recognition in the decentralized space.

  • Physical events: Organizers of events, conferences, or festivals can offer custom domain names as tickets or passes, providing attendees with a unique digital identity associated with the event.

  • Educational institutions: Universities and schools can create a custom TLD for their students and faculty, ensuring a unified digital identity within the academic community. This can be used for academic profiles, e-portfolios, or even course-specific sites.

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